Little Athletics Program for Schools (LAPS)
Kew Little Athletics Centre invites schools in the Kew region to participate in the Little Athletics Program for Schools – LAPS.
The program involves an Athletics Development Officer (ADO) from Little Athletics Victoria and a representative from the Kew Little Athletes Centre visiting schools and conducting a modified athletics session.
The program:
Provides a fun packed athletics session for students in Prep - Grade 6.
Activities teach fundamental motor and athletics skills, that are age appropriate and caters for all ability levels.
Sessions are 45 minutes each, and limited to 30 students (one class) per session, up to 6 sessions per day.
Enables schools to create a direct link with the Kew Little Athletics Centre.
On successful completion of the program and after a copy of the school’s newsletter advertising Little Athletics is sent to LAVic, a free CD resource is supplied.
If you would like the LAPS to visit your school, please complete the booking form and send it to If you are a student wanting us to visit your school, you can print the form and hand it to your PE teacher.
More information is available on the LAVic page here