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Kew Little Athletics Coaching/Training



Kew Little Athletics wants to ensure that every child who comes to the Club has the opportunity to develop as an athlete and achieve their best in a fun and safe environment. A key aspect of being able to achieve this vision is by the Club offering a comprehensively structured coaching program across all the athletic disciplines by a well qualified team of coaches.



The Kew LAC Committee has developed this document to be the Club’s Coaching Policy.  The Policy will be formally reviewed on an annual basis and updated as needed. The Policy will be posted to the Club’s website so that all current and prospective members of the Club can see what our Policy is in a clear, concise and transparent manner.  We hope that by having such a policy we will also attract more athletes and coaches to the Club. The Policy sets out below the accreditation requirements, development program, structure and funding for the Club’s Coaching Program. As part of the Policy, the Club will appoint a Director of Coaching who will be the key person responsible for implementing and driving the Coaching Program.


Minimum Accreditation Requirements

All coaches must hold a minimum of Level 1 Coaching Accreditation or through their own personal elite level of athletic performance clearly demonstrate that they have the requisite knowledge and experience to provide quality coaching to the children of the Club.

All coaches must hold valid Working With Children Check Cards. 

It will be the responsibility of the Director of Coaching to ensure these standards are adhered to and maintained.


Coaching Pathways Program

In recent years, the Club has been able to maintain contact with previous athletes by offering them the ability to assist with the running of the Summer Little Athletics season. The Club views this as our “Coaching Pathway Program”, whereby we are giving an introduction to coaching for young people who may well go on to become accredited coaches. The people in the Coaching Pathway Program will not be required to hold coaching accreditation to be a part of the Program.  Their role will be to help the children in the Under 6 and Under 7 program develop the basic skills for the various disciplines covered in the Summer Little Athletics program.


Coaching Program 

The table below sets out the Club’s Coaching Program.  The number in the Summer and Cross Country columns indicates the sessions per week that will be offered to athletes.


It will be the responsibility of the Committee in conjunction with the Director of Coaching to determine which age groups the coaching program is offered to.


Funding and Remuneration

All accredited coaches will be paid at a rate to be agreed by the Committee. Coaches in the Coaching Pathways Program will be paid at a rate to be agreed by the Committee. Given that the Club will be paying coaches for their services, it will be the responsibility of the coaches to fund their own development and accreditation. It is the responsibility of the Committee to determine how to fund the Coaching Program offered by the Club.


Summer Training 2019/20

Kew Little Athletics Centre offers training to all of its registered athletes. U9+ training is offered Mon 4.45-6pm and training for all athletes is offered Wed 4.45-6pm. Saturdays is competition only.  Note: parents are required to stay with U6-U7 athletes at training, parents of older athletes may leave but must be contactable. 

We all look forward to offering our Kew athletes general and specialist coaching during the summer season. Please take advantage of the wonderful opportunities available that are all included in the yearly registration fee.

A great way to get involved with your children at Little Athletics is to help coach our little athletes. Kew needs more coaches as we are a growing centre and demand for quality coaches is increasing every year. There are a number of coaching courses run that you can sign up to attend.  Kew will cover 50% of the registration fee.


LAVIC -  Track & Field Coaching Courses. Full details available at :

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Kew Little Athletics Club


Stradbroke Park

1369 Burke Road (Corner Harp Road)

Kew East Victoria 3102


Copyright © Kew Little Athletics Centre  |  All rights reserved  |  Design by Studio Kreativa

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